Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How I first discovered HP – BEDA #6

I’m having a bit of a bad day combined with some BEDA burnout but the lovely Christina was kind enough to give me a topic today so I will soldier on.  So the story of how I first discovered Harry Potter is not that interesting, I saw some news coverage of either the 3rd of 4th book release and decided I wanted to read the series but the part that comes next is kind of interesting.  My parents didn't want me read the books. I should mention here that I was only about 10 or 11 at the time. At the time my dad’s argument against me reading the books was something along the lines that there had to be a reason for the books to be that popular and that reason was that the books actually taught spells. To which I responded in disbelief “Dad, do you think magic is real?” In retrospect I doubt he thought that magic was real, he probably just thought that reading the books would get me interested in the world of the occult which would lead me down a bad path, or something. So I didn't read the books for a few years. Finally, the first movie came out. My sister and I hatched a plan to take my parents to go see the movie. It worked, while I don’t think my parents particularly enjoyed the movie they did get the message that Harry Potter was harmless. After that they were fine with me reading the books, hell they even spotted me some money to buy the later books when I was an unemployed high school student. The rest as they say is history.

Sorry for the rambling post. I’ll pull it together for tomorrow. I have some interesting blogs planned so I hope you’ll stick with me. As always I'd love to read your Harry Potter discovery stories either in the comments or on your own blog.


  1. *hugs* hope you'll have a better day tomorrow! As I am still writing my blog, I'll throw in my HP story too. lol. :D

  2. Yes!! Glad I gave you a topic to blog about so you didn't skip a day.
