Friday, April 29, 2011

Unicorns? Narwals! -- BEDA #29

Today I asked twitter what I should blog about and Celine replied that I should write about unicorns.

First off here’s some hilarious comedy about unicorns.

So yes, unicorns are cool and all but you know what’s cooler? Narwhals!  

a)      They are adorable. Seriously, look at them

b)     They are actually real.
c)     Their “horn” isn’t even a horn it’s a giant tooth.
d)     Narwhal sighting are believed to have started or at least reinforced the myth of unicorns. So all those unicorn stories you read as a child? You owe those to narwhals.

Fun facts:
1. When you Google “are u” the first suggestion is “Are unicorns real?”
2. When you Google “are n” the third suggestion is “Are Narwhals real?”

We need to get the word out people! Narwhals are real AND awesome. Tell your friends.

Next time someone stops you and asks you if you are Team Unicorn or Team Zombie tell them with pride that you are Team Narwhal!

30 Day Song Challenge
Day 29 - a song from your childhood
Doris Day -  Que Sera Sera

1 comment:

  1. ha! i feel like i need a narwhal stuffed animal now. lol. would be so cute.
