Saturday, April 30, 2011

So This is the End -- BEDA #30

So this is it. The last day of BEDA. End of the line. End of an era…OK that last one might be taking it too far.

As much as I griped and complained about doing BEDA on twitter I did overall enjoy the experience. I want to thank Noxy and Christina for helping me get though this. There were days when I really didn’t want to do it and I thought “Come on they did a post today so can you!”

I am going to continue blogging more often in May. I know Noxy is doing BALM or BAM (blog a lot in May) but I feel like I need more concrete guidelines or I’ll procrastinate and never actually get around posting. Right now I’m thinking I will blog at least twice weekly in May (BALTWM). I might set more specific guidelines for myself if I feel like that isn’t working.

I also wanted to address something brought up by Owlssayhooot's in a recent blog which came to my attention with Christina blogged about it. The basic premise of Kayley’s original blog was that things like BEDA are not good because encourage quality over quantity. Kayley does make some good points but the way I see it creativity and the drive to produce output is different for each person. I started this blog back in September of 2010 and in between then and the end of March I only posted two blogs. I even had other blogs that I had started drafting (my top ten episodes of Doctor Who for example) but they didn’t get posted till BEDA because I didn’t feel any urgency to posted them. Additionally, I face the problem of blog ideas and drafts becoming brain crack. In that you feel like you can constantly work on and improve them and you never actually end up posting them. Sure, the version of my top ten episodes of Doctor Who blog that was posted probably wasn’t the best one I could have written but BEDA forced me to post it and at least now it’s out there encouraging people to watch Doctor Who rather than sitting on my hard drive half finished.  

Looking back I’d say I’m really proud of roughly a third of the blogs I posted this month. There are a lot of mediocre posts including a number of tags. There is only really one post I dislike. At the end of the day, for me personally anyway, I feel like the good posts outweigh the mediocre ones in terms of value.

There are, however, a few things I will enjoy about not having to stick to the rules of BEDA. Firstly, I will enjoy being able to write (but not necessarily post) more than one blog a day. I often find I’m more creative after I’ve written one post but during BEDA I tended not to start a second post because I wanted to stick to the “every day” part. Secondly, I will enjoy writing post at whatever time works best for me. While I really didn’t stick to the whole posting before midnight aspect I did feel the need during BEDA to post around midnight for the most part. Thirdly, I will enjoy being able to write a long post over multiple days.

I still have lots of topic that I came up with for BEDA and never used for a variety or reasons (including that horse story I keep talking about on twitter) so look forward to reading those in May. If there is anything specific you’d like to see me write about leave it in the comments.

And now for the last time the 30 Day Song Challenge
Day 30 - your favourite song at this time last year
All Caps – Can’t


  1. I believe BALM would be correct because a lot is two words not one. Hayleyghoove shows us that in this video.

  2. Hey, I was actually watching that ALL CAPS vid earlier today! lol. Small world. Small world.


    You helped me through BEDA too chica! I meant to write about it in my post, but damn, I suck at remembering. I keep telling myself I should write stuff down, but I never do. Anyhoo, if it weren't for YOUR interest in doing BEDA, I wouldn't have thought twice about it. I had even initially decided NOT to do BEDA until you mentioned it on twitter and made me rethink. It definitely helped me to know you were alongside me (internetly speaking) participating as well. And that we could bounce ideas off each other. And quietly race to see who'd get their post done before the other. *cough* I mean... no. Never did that. Like, ever. Maybe once.

    Let me know if you think up definite rules for blogging in May! I'll use them. :) Maybe it could be like... Blog All Mondays and Fridays - or BAMF. *giggles uncontrollably at her unintentional joke* We could be BAMFs!!!! YAY BAMFs!!!


    *cough* Moving on. I can see Kayley's reasoning behind not liking BEDA. I get that some folks are perfectionists and so would not benefit from the requirements of blogging every day. But I don't agree with it myself. I believe quantity often LEADS to quality. How can you get good at playing an instrument without practice? Do you skip practice because you're afraid it won't be perfect today? Same goes for blogging. Forcing yourself to write and write often is never a bad thing. And it can lead to great posts. You never know.

    I'm also eagerly awaiting your horse story. I was saddened a bit because I was thinking about it just yesterday (when I was drawing a unicorn) and thought it had just fallen by the wayside. But no! There's hope! WOOT!!

    I would also like to know... about your very first online friends. That sounds like a fun topic.

    And a response to your comment on my post... cursing noxy tends to happen - a lot. I shall have to make sure it gets documented more often. lol. :D

    *Over dramatization.
