Friday, April 1, 2011

It’s BEDA Bitches! (#1)

Yes you read that right I am going to be doing BEDA (that’s blog everyday in April for those of you uninitiated). You may say to yourself “but Sue you’ve only ever blogged twice how do you expect to blog every single day in April?” I don’t deny that fact of the fact that I will most likely fail but I will try dammit! I have a roughly sketched out list of topics and that will hopefully stop my blogs from turning into something like “today I ate an apple.”

I’m currently on job hunt and those of you who have been unemployed in this job market know that some days when you can’t find any jobs to apply to or don’t have any applications due you start to feel a bit useless. I figure doing BEDA will at least give me something to show for every day in April. Huh...that was supposed to sound less depressing haha. Anyways, here’s a list of some BEDA/VEDA blogs/ channels I’ll be following if you want to check them out.  If you know of more I’d enjoy leave them in the comments.

Alan Lastufka/Distro


See you all tomorrow, same BEDA place, same BEDA time (...actually the time will probably vary)

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