Friday, April 8, 2011

Miss-Mash – BEDA #8

Hello folks

I had a couple of good ideas for BEDA today but neither of them panned out. The first idea was along the lines of my “the story of how I broke my arm at camp and hid it” blog. The problem with this idea is that a) blogs of that nature tend to talk a fairly long amount of time to write and hone and it’s now ten to midnight and b) I haven’t quite figured out how to draw a horse in Paint yet. The second idea was to watch the original Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) and review it from the point of view of a science fiction fan who has never seen Star Wars. Unfortunately, Blockbuster didn’t have any copies of Episode IV on the self today so that idea will have to wait as well.

Christina in her BEDA post wanted to know how we felt about the new Youtube Live. I caught most of John’s* liveshow I have to say I was impressed with the quality both in terms of picture and sound.  I did have a problem with the chat though. Unlike blogtv or Ustream the chat wasn’t broken into a main room and smaller rooms even though there were a large number of people watching. As a result the chat was scrolling far to fast for either the person doing the livestream or viewers to keep up with. As someone who met the a lot her nerdfighter friends in a livestream I prefer smaller rooms where you can chat and have an actual conversation with other viewer. Also as far as I could tell there are no mods for the Youtube Live chat which creates a problem of spam. However I should keep in mine that these are still early days for this new Youtube Live function. Hopefully they will address problems with the chat as time goes on.

Before BEDA started Noxy sent me a link with this 30 days song challenge suggesting we do it as a part of BEDA. When I saw the link and the questions I liked the idea but alas, as you may have figured out on your own by now, I am an idiot.  I thought “hey that a good idea for one BEDA post”… as om one giant post where I would answer all 30 questions. Apparently I didn’t get the 30 day part of the 30 day challenge. Like I said, I’m an idiot. Anyways I clued in once I saw Noxy’s BEDA posts but I was still attached to the idea saying it for one BEDA post where I talked about nothing but that mostly because I am/was terrified of running out of BEDA idea. Now it occurs to me that that post would be rather long and uninformative as I would likely not go into detail about my answers if I had 30 questions to answer in one post. So I’m leaving it up to you guys. What would you rather see me start answer one question at the end of each BEDA post or read one massive post later in the month? The third option is that I break the post up into 3 or more posts allowing me to go into some detail about each answer. So let me know what you prefer in the comments. If you prefer I make my own damn decisions you can let me know that too.

Also, I have a correction to make to an earlier BEDA post. After going back and reviewing some old vlogbrothers videos I realized that the first video I saw was not John’s 2009 birthday video but in fact was the video right after in which John responds to his birthday video entitled The Gift of Gary Busey. Which when you think about it is a hilarious and poignant first video to watch. The initial reactions and first impression of nerdfighteria that I talk about in the original post are still accurate.

Alright that’s enough of a mish-mash of ideas to serve as a decently long BEDA post for today so I’m going to leave it there. I'll see** you folks tomorrow.

*Cause clearly we’re on a first name basis haha. but really you all know who I’m talking about here.
**Or as Hank would say I won’t see you and you won’t see me but you’ll read (?) me tomorrow…? Ok fine maybe that saying doesn’t work as well in blog form.

P.S. Sorry about the weird formatting in this post. I'm working off an older version of Word on someone else's computer and it's doesn't seem to want to play nice with blogger.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.... yeah the 30 day song challenge thinger... I think you should do them every day. Hehe. Maybe double up the questions until your caught up? Because yeah, sometimes, there might be a little extra story to it, which might get missed in a mass answer. And at the very least, on a short post day, you'll have a song to share. :)
