Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Question Tuesday -- BEDA #5

Thought I’d do something a little more laid back today after yesterday’s mammoth post. Seriously, I have written essays shorter than that post. So considering today is Tuesday I decided to go with a Question Tuesday type deal except in blog form meaning there won’t be any jump cuts, sorry. If you really want jump cuts you can blink repeatedly while reading this post.

The questions were collected from Twitter. If you missed the call for questions and want me to answer your questions leave them in the comments and I’ll do another one of these later. God knows I’ll probably run out of ideas before the 31st.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years/10 years?
A:  I combined these two into one question because I honestly don’t know where I’ll be in 1 year. In the grand scheme of things I’d like to be living somewhere other than my hometown, working in job that I enjoy and most importantly be happy.

Q: What do you look for in a guy?
A: Funny. Nerdy. Smart. Educated.

Q: Favourite book?
A: It’s so hard to pick just one! I have a bunch of favourites (that I will not list here and save for a future BEDA post when I run out of idea. If I had to pick just one though I’d have to say Paper Towns.

Q:  Advice for 16 year old you?
Be nicer to people, especially her. She just wants to be your friend. You’re friends are not going to ditch you for her, relax.

Don’t feel like you have to pick sides when your friends break up. You don’t, and you will regret it if you do.

Enjoy all your time with Beth. 

Be nicer to your parents. They are wonderful people.

Be more open to making new friends.

You will get over him.

Do something with your damn hair, woman.

Have more fun.

Q: What should my next vlog be about? (This comes from Christina)
A: How awesome I am and your summer plans. Also you should probably mention that you’re doing BEDA.

Q: When are you coming to Houston?
A: I thought we agreed to meet in New York on some over pass Christina?

Q: How is the job hunt going?
A: ...It’s going.

Q: When are you going to start making videos?
A: When I discover a magical pill that makes me less awkward.     

Q:  Design your own question.
A: That’s not a question. Questions have question marks at the end. Ok fine I’ll do it. What is your favourite joke? Two muffins are in an oven. One muffin says “Wow it’s hot in here” and the other muffin replies “Holy crap! A talking muffin!” That joke was told to me by someone who was trying to tell me how lame of a sense of humour their sister had. I thought it was hilarious.


  1. I guess that New York would work.

  2. "If you really want jump cuts you can blink repeatedly while reading this post."


    I like your favorite joke. Mine's quick too, a blonde joke: Two blondes walk in to a building - you'd think ONE of them would have seen it.
