Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tag You're It! -- BEDA #7

I have temporally lost access to my file of potential BEDA topics so today you get a tag game modified from its original vlog tag format. I tag all of my fellow BEDA-ers in crime.

1. Name a book you would take on a long flight? The next book in the Millennium trilogy, The Girl Who Played With Fire.
2. What is your guilty pleasure? America’s Next Top Model
3. Name three characters from any book, you wish you could be friends with? Bridget Jones, Luna Lovegood, Finnik Odair.
4. What's your shoes size? 7/8
5. If you could write your own book, name the title, and a brief synopsis.  Nerds (in your pants): The true story of Nerdfighting, youtube and world suck.
6. What's your favourite flavor of ice cream? Old fashion vanilla
7. What book are you currently reading? Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton
8. Best YA series you've ever read? The Hunger Games (though that is also the only YA series I’ve ever read)
9. What is your best physical attribute? My eyes.
10. Do you like manga or comics, if so name your favourite series? Nope.
11. Do you sleep on your side or your stomach? Side.
12. Favourite book mark? I’ve misplaced it at the moment but I have a Harry Potter one which my sister gave me which is designed to look like the parchment the DA members signed in OoTP
13. What song are you currently listening in your Ipod? The entire Norah Jones catologe , Rosie’s Lullaby is currently playing.
14. Worst summer job you've ever had? I once worked part time cataloguing books for a library his was building in Africa. It was basically hours of entering data by myself in my employers basement.
15. What's your favourite band, or type of music? My favourite artist is Ani Difranco. For type of music I’d have to go with Ani’s folk-y style, also anything with an acoustic guitar.

Also I keep forgetting to add this in. My friend Luke wrote a great Friday parody about VEDA be sure to check it out:  ttp://

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